Wyniki szkolnego konkursu z języka angielskiego
Z okazji Dnia Języków Obcych odbył się w naszej szkole konkurs na wypracowanie pt.: "Why is it worth learning foreign languages through the whole life?"
Kilkoro uczniów podjęło wyzwanie. Wszystkie prace, które zostały napisane, okazały się bardzo ciekawe i prawie bezbłędne. Nauczyciele języków obcych mieli ciężki orzech do zgryzienia przy wyborze zwycięzców.
Ostatecznie 1 miejsce zajął Konrad Urbaniec z klasy 8c i to jego pracę możecie przeczytać poniżej. 2 miejsce zajęła Milena Knysz z klasy 8b, a 3 miejsce Adrian Ochmanek z klasy 6b.
Wszystkim gratulujemy:-)
Nagrody i dyplomy wręczymy wkrótce.
European Day Of Languages
Why is it worth learning languages through the whole life?
The first argument is getting a better job when you know more than one language. Many companies that pay well want their workers to speak at least 3 languages. It also increases the chances of getting the occupation you want.
The second argument is travelling for holidays. For example, when you’re lost in a foreign country, you can ask the locals for directions in their native language, because they may not know your language. You get access to new cultures and you may learn a new way of life, though you have to be consistent.
The next argument is that it’s better for your brain to know more languages. Experts say knowing a couple of them helps the brain to be in a good shape and trains it more, but most people give up before they reach fluency. The choice of language is very important.
The fourth argument shall be meeting new people that you would not know if you haven’t learned more languages. Not everyone knows two or more languagess and there are amazing people which you could meet knowing their language. It is easier to learn languages than it was 50 years ago. There are apps to learn languages (example: Duolingo).
The last argument – technology will never replace human interaction, so even if you are using a translator it will never be the same like speaking to a person. With technology you can’t achieve emotion and learning them became more useful in our world.
Conclusion: The more you learn, the more you realise how many things you don’t know. There are many more examples that speak volumes on this topic.